At Browns Tree Solutions we are passionate about giving back to the environment and doing what we can to be as eco-friendly as possible. We always encourage our customers to keep useful waste produced from their works to encourage wildlife in their garden and give back to mother nature! If they decide not to keep the waste then we bring it back to our HQ where it is processed into our Firewood Fuel business and sold onto local customers and businesses. Here are a few ideas of how you can reuse your garden waste and encourage minibeasts and mamals in your garden.
Trees and hedges are great places for birds and mammals to create nests and protect themselves from predators. So If you need to do works on your hedges/trees be sure to do it before nesting season, which is typically March through to August; winter is usually the best time to do tree works as most vegetation will be dormant.
Once you have had your works done, if you would like to encourage wild life to visit your garden, we can leave the woodchip from your works for you. Woodchip is a great place for insects and minibeasts like worms, beetles and woodlice to live. By providing places for insects and minibeasts to live you are also attracting other animals by providing a food source, for birds and other mammals. It is also great for placing around trees and plants in the garden as it helps them to retain moisture and provides them with nutrients to help them grow!
Small branches, logs and deadwood could be stacked under bushes or around the edges of the garden to provide shelter for wildlife, this can be especially important in the Winter when vegetation is bare and there are less places for them to hide out.
When it comes to grass it’s hard to let it grow, especially in the summer time when it’s looks lovely and neat after a fresh cut. But it is much better for wildlife to leave your grass or at least sections of your grass to grow tall. This will allow wildlife to hide inside and breed.
Flowers & Plants
If you would like to attract insects; wasps, bees or butterflies, it is best to plant vibrant and nectar-rich flowers like Wisteria and Blue Bells. Herbs like Lavender and Sage are also great as they’re not only good for cooking but also provide nectar for bees and butterflies. So it may be worth creating a herb garden; this will benefit you and nature!
Bird Boxes
If you do not have trees/hedges in your garden but still want to encourage wildlife to your garden you can add things to attract them. Bird and bat boxes are great places for birds to leave their nests protected from predators. Also bird feeders are easy to hang from walls or trees to attract birds and squirrels!
Though food is necessary for insects and animals to survive, a clean source of water is just as important. Ponds are great for lots of insects like dragonflies who breed in water; they submerge their larvae onto under water plants like eelgrass. If you have algae in your pond, this will encourage frogs to breed there as tadpoles feed off it. Ponds are also great places for hedgehogs; hedgehogs can swim in water however they need to be able to get out of the water otherwise they will become exhausted and may die. A way to prevent this is surrounding your pond with rocks and stones for them to climb on. You could also consider putting bird baths around your garden, these are especially useful during the summer months when other sources of water will be dried up.
There are lots of things you can do to help nature, most of them are free and super easy, so get crafting!